No Indictment for Twins Who Left Mom Alone

NO INDICTMENT FOR TWINS WHO LEFT MOM ALONE Murder charges have been dismissed against 48-year-old twins Edwin and Edward Berndt, who let their mother lie on the foyer floor of their Meadowbrook Freeway home for 3 days after she slipped and fell— and then left her body to rot in place for 3 months after she died there. The Berndt’s attorney, Robert Scardino, has claimed the twins were born mentally disabled and had depended on their mother for their care. He described the scene investigators found at 8402 Glenscott St. to 11 News reporter Courtney Zubowski back in May: “It doesn’t appear that there was any hygiene [or] baths or showers taken. There was water, but it was trickling water. There was no air conditioning. There were a lot of empty popcorn bags in the house. There were a lot of broken egg shells in the house and a lot of empty tin cans where they were eating food out of a tin can which indicated to me there wasn’t any grocery shopping. . . . It was in a state that I’m not sure even the most warped director in Hollywood could have made up the scene in that house.” [KHOU 11 News; previously on Swamplot] Photo: ABC News

7 Comment

  • Good. Hopefully, they will go to a home that can properly care for them.

  • They both have state appointed guardians now, rest assured.

  • “It was in a state that I’m not sure even the most warped director in Hollywood could have made up the scene in that house.”

    That sounds like a challenge to me! I think David Cronenberg (as the torchbearer of Hollywood’s most warped director) should do a film adaptation of this fiasco, starring Phillip Seymour Hoffman in a dual role as the twins, and Meryl Streep as their poor, doomed mother. That’s Academy Award fodder if I’ve ever heard it!

  • At least they were not in self storage!

  • My sympathies go to the poor agent who will have to try to sell this house for the estate. Im sure it retains all its original charm, as well as a nasty stain in the front hallway….

  • So, who cut the grass?

  • Where was Social Services all this time?or neighbors….was wasn’t this reported…unf==kin beliveable!