Harvest Moon Solar Farm, FM 3013 at Gebhardt Rd., Sealy, TX 77474

Harvest Moon Solar Farm, FM 3013 at Gebhardt Rd., Sealy, TX 77474These crop duster-height shots of 12 acres of solar paneling were snagged above FM 3013 half a mile south of Gebhardt Rd., where Harvest Moon Renewable Energy Company is getting ready to bring its juice to market in Sealy and Houston areas served by CenterPoint Energy. According to a fresh-from-the-farm press release, the plant’s 15,000-and-then-some solar panels, blossoming on the end of more than 1,000 steel posts, should produce around 2.5 million kilowatt-hours of power each year (bundled into the 952 million kWh the EPA says Houston uses annually). MP2 Energy will take care of the actual selling, and plans to fill in the gaps from the solar supply with power bought from other renewable sources.

Harvest Moon’s president Joey Romano, who previously developed the solar-focused Mirabeau B. apartments on Waugh at Hyde Park, is now running the operation with founder and CEO Joe Romano, formerly CEO of Contango Oil & Gas and CFO of Zilhka Energy. The company plans to allow customers to tour the family farm, but you can also watch the panel crop grow online — the company took a time-lapse video of the 120-day installation, which wrapped up late last year:


02/11/16 3:15pm


A few days ago Jay Roussel went on Amazon and ordered a copy of Why Did the Chicken Cross the World?: The Epic Saga of the Bird that Powers Civilization for his friends Christian and Lisa Seger at Blue Heron Farm in Field Store, TX, about 45 miles northwest of Houston. When Lisa Seger opened the slapped-together-looking and poorly-taped package, she found no poultry tome, but rather a mysterious and heavy green cylinder. A mini-monolith of sorts.

As reported on the Blue Heron Facebook page, Christian Seger said, “This appears to be part of Amazon. Like, literally, part of Amazon. Part of the belt from the warehouse.”


by John Nova Lomax
12/04/14 1:56pm