Swamplot’s Daily Demolition Report lists buildings that received City of Houston demolition permits the previous weekday.
Every new structure comes from some other structure’s end.
Swamplot’s Daily Demolition Report lists buildings that received City of Houston demolition permits the previous weekday.
Every new structure comes from some other structure’s end.
Swamplot’s Daily Demolition Report lists buildings that received City of Houston demolition permits the previous weekday.
If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally demolish one million realities.
Swamplot’s Daily Demolition Report lists buildings that received City of Houston demolition permits the previous weekday.
Sometimes it takes a good demolition to really know where you stand.
Swamplot’s Daily Demolition Report lists buildings that received City of Houston demolition permits the previous weekday.
The question isn’t “what are we going to demolish?” – the question is “what aren’t we going to demolish?”
Swamplot’s Daily Demolition Report lists buildings that received City of Houston demolition permits the previous weekday.
Be thou the rainbow in the demolitions of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray.
Swamplot’s Daily Demolition Report lists buildings that received City of Houston demolition permits the previous weekday.
Demolition washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.
Swamplot’s Daily Demolition Report lists buildings that received City of Houston demolition permits the previous weekday.
The sweets of pillage can be known to no one but the demolisher; compassion for integrity is his divinest grief.
Swamplot’s Daily Demolition Report lists buildings that received City of Houston demolition permits the previous weekday.
Demolition can be sweet if we answer it in the affirmative, if we accept it as one of the great eternal forms of life and transformation.
Swamplot’s Daily Demolition Report lists buildings that received City of Houston demolition permits the previous weekday.
We complain and seek relief from our own faults; we suffer from the demolitions which we, by our own free will, inflict on ourselves.
Swamplot’s Daily Demolition Report lists buildings that received City of Houston demolition permits the previous weekday.
We don’t create a demolition world to escape reality. We create it to be able to stay.
Swamplot’s Daily Demolition Report lists buildings that received City of Houston demolition permits the previous weekday.
The death of an old house is not a tragedy. Forgive it its shortcomings, and thank it for all its love and care.
Swamplot’s Daily Demolition Report lists buildings that received City of Houston demolition permits the previous weekday.
Demolition is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.
COMMENT OF THE DAY: A QUICKER END TO MEMORIAL BEND’S MOD ERA “The Memorial Bend neighborhood (which includes the featured Faust Lane home) was impacted hard by Harvey. It has/had some of the best collections of mid-century modern homes in Houston. Due to escalating land values, their numbers were already dwindling annually before the storm and I’m afraid this will only reduce their numbers faster. At least, we’ll have historic Google street view as a reference.” [Native Houstonian, commenting on Daily Demolition Report: The Faust and the Furious] Photo of 442 Faust Ln.: Griffin Vance
Swamplot’s Daily Demolition Report lists buildings that received City of Houston demolition permits the previous weekday.
Demolition is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty.
A reader shows us a few through-the-fence glimpses of the massive demolition project that now appears to be taking place on the Shell Oil Company’s Woodcreek campus, just south of the Addicks Dam: 7 connected triangular 5-story office buildings and a separate cafeteria structure on the west side of the campus at 200 N. Dairy Ashford are all on the crushing block, according to a demo permit filed a couple of weeks after Harvey hit.