This Week in National Magazine Linkbait

THIS WEEK IN NATIONAL MAGAZINE LINKBAIT Using a formula that factors in cost of living, mortgage and utility payments, median home price, and median property tax, Bloomberg Businessweek’s website has declared Hunter’s Creek Village to be the most expensive suburb in all of Texas. (And of course, they’ve named the most expensive burbs in all 49 other states too.) Median home price in the 4,819-resident city: $865,500. [Bloomberg Businessweek, via Prime Property]

5 Comment

  • It’s a bit misleading, Hunter’s Creek is a city only by chance and a technicality, it’s more of a Neighborhood. If you draw a border around River Oaks and call it a city, the median price would most likely be even higher.

  • Exactly. They need to revise their definition of suburb.

  • Better yet, they need to stop writing silly articles.

  • Suburb or city the Villages are still relatively more expensive than River Oaks. I believe several years ago Piney Point Village was the most expensive suburb in Texas. Land is all rather than location at this point and in the Villages a little ranch house on 1/2 acre is still worth millions. Quite a few are on 1 acre or more.

    Add the fact that they are not part of Houston, and, well, that is worth a million more.

  • And worth every penny. IMO.