The Missouri City council voted last week to approve a “planned development” zoning classification for a woody 95.3-acre tract at the edge of the Creekmont and Newpoint Estates subdivisions off Hwy. 6 at Watts Plantation Rd., which master plan planner Ashton Woods wants to turn into a 287-unit housing development called Shipman’s Cove. The January vote came after a determination by the city’s attorney that the failed September vote on the same issue had technically passed: Councilmembers now says that the vote to change the undeveloped land’s zoning classification (an act that would have required a 75 percent majority among the 7 council members, and fell 1 vote short of that hurdle) actually only counted as a vote to zone it for the first time — which only needs a simple majority for approval. Amelia Brust reports that neither the city council nor city attorney “explained what prompted the further review, nor did they identify the outside legal counsel hired by the city” that helped review the situation; Missouri City mayor Allen Owen also said at the time of the vote that multiple lawsuits looked to be in the works. [Community Impact] Image of planned site of Shipman’s Cove: Missouri City
Un-Re-Zoning of Missouri City Tract Paves Way for Shipman’s Cove Master Plans
Feels Like the First Time
In other, better run cities like Sugar Land and Pearland this would have never gotten this far. Their leaders would have sat down with the communities and actually found a compromise rather than push their own agenda while giving lip service to their constituents.
With the exception of Quail Valley, Allen Owen puts developers so far ahead of residents that they literally went back changed their own rules after the fact then rewrote history to boot strap it. A cautionary tale of what happens when low voter turn out meets lack of term limits.
I am a resident of Creekmont, and low voter turnout was not the reason this was passed! We went through the proper legal process to keep this land from being developed by KB Homes and Ashton Woods twice!! Neither one of the two developers could not guarantee that building four(4) to six(6) feet higher than the Creekmont community would not significantly impact Creekmont from having major flooding issues. We have seen time and time again in other communities in Houston and other cities around the country go years and even decades without flooding to being flooded with an inch of rain! This doesn’t include the fact that they have NO planned entrances and exits to the community other than opening up closed streets in Creekmont and using our entrances and exits to enter this planned community!! Creekmont residents fought hard and pushed back every time this was brought to us as a community!! The city and it’s council members changed the rules because they could not get what they wanted!!!