WHAT HOUSTON WILL SPEND TO RAISE A FEW FLOODY HOUSES IN MEYERLAND Houston City Council approved construction yesterday to raise 5 Meyerland houses — a subset of the 42 Houston homes FEMA paid the city $14.8 million to elevate back in 2015. One of those 42 houses has already been jacked up and 8 more are currently within the levitation process, according to the Chronicle’s Rebecca Elliott and John D. Harden. The costs to raise the 5 homes now slated for elevation 12 ft. above flood level — which include a few extra thousand dollars to put residents up in temporary lodging — range from $218,700 to $416,000 per property. In total, the bill comes to $1.6 million. Harris County appraises the total value of properties themselves from $125,906 to $507,152, with the value of improvements within that ranging from $34,700 to $201,200. One of the houses — 5150 Braesheather Dr. — shown above as it appeared before Harvey, is currently listed for sale. [Houston Chronicle; more info (items 24–28)] Photo of 5150 Braesheather Dr.: HAR  

01/11/18 1:00pm
by Dan Singer

9 Comment

  • This is NOT Houston money! Houston is not paying for this. There is so much misleading information being thrown around. This is federal grant money from the coming out of the 2015 Memorial Day flood. The city is only the go between for the National Flood Insurance Program and the contractors that will elevate the homes.

    The elevations prevent future flood insurance claims against these homes. Claims that can be as much as $350k per event.

  • Also, let’s remember that flood insurance pays out $250k structure and $100k contents max. (and these Meyerland homes are pricey, so maxing out the payment IS possible). So paying $350k to raise a house to avoid a future claim is *long-term* a better use of money.
    Yes, the amount itself is a shock out of context.
    Yes, it borders on ridiculous that this is related to the 2015 flood (in 2018).
    YES, the tax base would benefit more from paying to knock down the house and build new million dollar homes, but this is a better solution than buying the properties and removing them from the tax base.

  • yeah, that headline is terrible Swamplot.

  • @KennethH: Not entirely Houston money, but some of it is Houston money.
    There is no way this makes economic sense. A cheaper way to prevent future flooding is buy the property and prohibit building on it in the future. The owner can buy a house someplace outside the floodway.

  • They’re still gonna lose their cars and shed/garage contents in a flood. Unless they build 10′ driveway ramps up to their elevated garage.

  • memebag,

    It is actually quit cheaper in higher value areas like Meyerland to raise the existing home than a buyout. Especially considering long term implications.

  • Superdave, don’t give them ideas.

  • @superdave or they can build garages with high ceilings and car lifts. I’ve heard that some people in flood zones are considering that. Make the garage out of cinder blocks and they won’t have to tear out drywall either.

  • Houston do not be proud of the way you handled the flooding. And Houston “strong” is a nice catch phrase which means nothing. Instad of fixing the problem and raising homes for taxpayers which flooded due to your negligence you chose to do nothing. Adding more concrete and buildings only adds to the problem. “Houston Strong – BS according to a study done by Rice U – Houston is not even ready for a 50 year flood. And politicians are stirring behind their desks and go to their worthless meetings. So what plan do they have? Hope? Worthless!