COMMENT OF THE DAY: FAST FOOD TOWNHOUSES “I’ve been in Houston for 3 years and I’ve noticed how many expensive townhouses and condos back up to fast food restaurants and other potentially noisy businesses. It would drive me nuts but I would also look around the neighborhood before I purchased or rented something there. I can’t imagine having to listen to the Jack-in-the-Box drive-through traffic all night long. ‘YA WANT FRIES??'” [Apartment dweller, commenting on 2520 Robinhood Vs. the Merry Men of Hans’ Bier Haus: It’s Come to This]

01/06/10 3:26pm

10 Comment

  • Kentucky Fried Chicken corner of Fairview and Shepherd.

  • I was specifically thinking of the Jack-in-the-Box at Waugh and West Dallas but the Wendy’s on Westheimer in front of the Tremont Tower comes to mind also.

  • Or the McDonald’s across the street from the Wendy’s with those townhouses on, what, Yupon?

  • I looked at one of the townhouses that backs up to the Jack In The Box on Waugh. Fell in LOVE with it. (They really are gorgeous inside.) Fortunately, my realtor wouldn’t let me consider it, for which I am eternally grateful.

  • Well, if you are stupid enough to buy or it doesn’t matter to you, then get it. If not, don’t.

    I bough mine a few blocks in both directions away from a major thoroughfare to avoid this scenario from happening to me in the future.

  • Can’t believe no one has mentioned having the constant smell of french fries in the air. Yuck. (although I might pay a little extra to be near the bakery over by Arnes)

    The lack of due diligence for some home buyers is amazing. Before I bought, I checked out traffic, drove by at all hours of the day, and reviewed the neighborhood crime stats. Maybe a few hours of time, but worth it for the biggest financial commitment I’ve made.

  • I looked at one of the townhouses that backs up to the Jack In The Box on Waugh. Fell in LOVE with it. (They really are gorgeous inside.) Fortunately, my realtor wouldn’t let me consider it, for which I am eternally grateful.


    You’ve restored my faith in realtors. Some of them anyway.

  • I have a friend who just got into a house next to a Jack in the Box in Houston. But no “smell of fries” or any other food and no orders can be heard, either.

    However, louder engines idling can be heard at night.

  • aw come on, any other way and it just wouldn’t be good ol’ houston.

  • The lack of due diligence for some home buyers is amazing.

    Who says they didn’t do any due diligence? I assume those homes are worth considerably less than similar ones in better locations.