COMMENT OF THE DAY: MAKING HISTORY IN GALVESTON “what’s equally funny is that the sign on the [pier] now reads ‘[coming] soon: galveston’s historic pleasure pier’. i guess on this island, things are now considered historic even before they’re built.” [JC, commenting on Landry’s Kicking Galveston’s Flagship Hotel Off the Pier, for Amusement] Photo: Ellen Yeates
So, perhaps the new “non-Heights area” Heights area Walmart should apply for historic status now, before ground is broken! Got to get those tax breaks!
PLEASURE PIER!!!! I’m going
I recall reading that Carla took out the Pleasure Pier. The Flaship was put there after that. So, I guess this could be considered an historic restoration??
It’s because the pier used to be called the Pleasure Pier and they are probably going to try giving it an “old-timey” feel.