Comment of the Day: Save the Grasslands

COMMENT OF THE DAY: SAVE THE GRASSLANDS “One of these days I’m going to start a movement to return Houston to the prairie that it was before World War II. I’ll organize a massive protest every time a new tree is planted, in an effort to restore Houston to the pristine flatland of pastures it originally was, before the invasions of those alien oak, pine and palm trees. (Never mind the tallows….)” [J.V., commenting on Clearing Out the Feagan Oaks from Magnolia Grove]

3 Comment

  • When me look in me panties me see silly grasslands with hopping gazelles, spider monkies, crabs and bumblebees….

    hop hop hop
    buzz buzz buzz
    toot toot toot

    did you see the pristine marking in my shorts?

  • If you want pristine, move to West Texas, we would not mind; in fact, we may pay the movers. I rather have those new townhouses and old home redos in Magnolia Grove than the old crack houses coupled with the criminal elements that fornicated the rows upon rows of that neighborhood. Where were you when that neighborhood really needed you 20 years passing?

  • Sounds like somebody’s missed the point.