COMMENT OF THE DAY: WILSHIRE VILLAGE PLAN “The notices from the fire marshall are actually Fire Hazard warning stickers not condemned notices. Yes, they are very different according to the Fire Marshall. The condeming of the property will take a little more time but I am sure the plan is in motion. According to the fire marshall when he was at the property on thursday we will still have till the end of the month to get out. After that it’s going to get messy for the people who decide to stay.” [Dawn, commenting on Wilshire Village Apartments: Okay To Stay?]
Residents met with an official of the City of Houston Police Department last night at a “town meeting” regarding the fate of Wilshire Village. They were informed that in the next 2 days the city will post orange notices for residents to vacate. They will follow up no later than the first week in March to remove personal items and toss them “on the side of the road, off the property”. Matt Dillick also reportedly has a request to a district judge to have anyone still on the property next week “removed” as well. Considering the age of those who were told they didn’t have to leave by Jay Cohen and now have 4 days to get out, I hope the authorities won’t feel the need to pull a Robbie Tolan on any of them.
Dilick clearly learned too well from Fertitta. The heck with people, just get what I want when I want it.
There was a report today that Houston was in the Worst 10 American Cities for children. One of the factors was lack of park land.
We should force the city to invoke eminent domain over the Wilshire Village acreage, and turn it into a park, perhaps saving a building or two for administration or restrooms, maybe for a hall or meeting room to rent out publicly. We should save the trees and greenspace for all the kids in the neighborhood that don’t have lawns of their own to play on.
Scott, while I agree in principle that we should have more parks, there are two small parks within easy walking distance of Wilshire Village already–Cherryhurst to the north and Erwin Chew to the south.
Also, Matt Dillick seems to be the scum of the Earth. If he is this unethical about unhousing elderly folks, I assume he will be similarly unethical in the quality of his building. If you’re buying a townhouse, make damn sure he wasn’t the developer.