13 Comment

  • Wallpaper is to houses what tattoos are to people. When you get it, you think that it looks great and cannot wait to show your friends. Twenty to thirty years later, you cannot look at it without going “ughhh” and shuddering to yourself.

  • I nominate Old School for Comment of the Day!

  • More like herpes. You can’t give someone else your tattoo, but you can give them your wallpaper.

  • May I second your nomination Sara?

  • It appears as though they have reached ‘ludicrous speed’.

  • We bought an over-papered house once upon a time, spent days stripping one room, then hired a painter who sealed, textured and painted over the wallpaper, took him less time to do the whole house than us stripping one room, 10 years later and no problems.

  • I like button OldSchool’s comment too

  • The big difference is wallpaper is much more easily removed. I bought a place that had wallpaper and my guys just sprayed texture over it, painted it, and it was fine.

  • Putting the “kitsch” in kitchen.

  • Old School should get “comment of the day”. Wallpaper Chomp spray on remover will take care of it.

  • While that wallpaper is pretty awful, let’s please not ignore those chairs!

  • Eating breakfast in there with all that visual cacophony would prepare you for anything that could happen that day.

  • Drew J, you are so correct on those chairs. Honestly, could they not see just how ugly..oh wait. They did pick out the wallpaper. Never mind, question answered.