Importing Pieces of Paris to a New Washington Ave Club

The owner of Hughes Hangar is building another bar about 50 ft. away on Washington Ave. Culturemap reports that the De Gaulle, rendered here with old-timey airplane, will share the property at 2811 Washington that backs up against the Washington and Glenwood Cemeteries. Owner Bien Tran explains to Culturemap that the concept’s name, design, and accoutrements, all right across Rue Washington from that recently opened Sonic, “will create an old world Parisian atmosphere complete with a miniature Eiffel Tower.” Opening night will be Halloween, Tran hopes, following an Edgar Allan Poe theme party.

Wanna see a rendering of the interior?


Renderings: The De Gaulle

25 Comment

  • perfect, another douche haven with gaudy design….on washington. I guess if you are going to put that anywhere in Houston, that’s the place for it. Now to start the countdown until it follows suit with all the other douche bars and closes its doors for good.

  • Nothing says “old world Parisian atmosphere” like dressed up yuppies and a miniature Eiffel tower.

    As a French friend of mine would say in his broken English, “This… has nothing to do with Paris.”

  • I thought these clubs were moving on? I heard Washington Ave was in decline and it made me hopeful

  • Hughes Hangar is very unlike the rest of the typical Washington Ave hangouts. The crowd is a bit older, better dressed and not looking to just get s-faced on cheap booze. The new place is going to focus on French wine and liquors, thus the whole Paris thing. Whether it comes across as tacky or not is one thing. But I do not see this as being another typical Washington Ave club and would like to see more places like this in that neighborhood.

  • The real De Gaulle is spinning in his grave. Why not call it Orly? Maybe too obscure for the douche brain.

  • So, this place appeals to the older Delta Bravo crowd… I

  • If they really wanted to do it correctly, they would have put in a miniature Statue of Liberty. But then again, most of the cultured patrons wouldn’t get it.

  • As someone that’s been in De Gaulle airport many times, I think I’d like this place just as much (meaning, not very)

  • Wow, tough crowd. I agree that the taste is questionable, but why not keep an open mind? Personally, I agree with Old School – not all “Washington clubs” are created equally, nor are they patronized by the same demographic. This wouldn’t be on the top of my list of weekend venues, but I went to Hughes Hangar once and enjoyed the vibe.

    On another note: I desperately hope that the ubiquitous label “douche” has reached and passed its heyday. It’s not offensive or anything, just really annoying. Maybe someday we’ll call people “enemas”?

  • “The real De Gaulle is spinning in his grave.”

    Not to mention Hughes, you can probably see his grave if you stand on the roof of Hughes Hanger

  • Please, Erik Satie needs a piano bench.

  • hahaha such a random name. Saying it’s in reference to the airport not the president (when both have nothing to do with “old world Parisian”) shows how little thinking is required to come up with a bar concept these days

  • This will be a nice improvement to the lot on Washington, no matter how bad the comments get in this site.

  • From the photo it looks like they plan on attracting plenty of talent.

  • Douche is a French word. Maybe this owner fellow has heard that his clients are “douches” and decided to say oui take it in that direction.

  • Is they’re upscale douches then it’s the Doucheoisie.

  • Oh cool !!! Another place on Washington Ave. for douche bags to hang out and get drunk at. BARF

  • Man, so much hate, and so little time…

  • I wonder if the rendering is representative of the crowds they expect. If it is, the drinks are going to be pricey.

  • Doucheoisie or dougious?

  • This appears to be an inexpensive steel building with a brick and curtainwall facade on the front and some garage doors on the side. The rendering makes it look fancier than it is.

  • My first thought was French Indochina.

  • I just noticed the hookers trolling…

  • Usually those that throw out stupid terms like douche and any of the other derivatives are probably insecure. You don’t like Washington? Don’t go. Problem solved.
    My guess is that a bar that most of the posters on this particular thread would patronize would be filled with a$$holes.

  • @JT, you must have a masters in Doucheronomy with a minor in Doucherostromy. :)