Missouri City Grows Its Own Trail Mix

MISSOURI CITY GROWS ITS OWN TRAIL MIX Missouri City forester Paul Wierzbicki tells reporter Cory Stottlemeyer that he expects the Jujubes, Mexican plums, Mexican persimmons, mulberries, pomegranates, figs, pears, and kumquats he began planting along the Oyster Creek Trail last fall to survive through the year. The 70 fruit- and nut-bearing trees now growing along half of the Missouri City section of the trail between Mosley Park and FM 3345 were selected for their tolerance to local conditions, including drought and Gulf Coast pests. Planted in 7 separate groves and interspersed with signage bearing descriptions and the corporate logos of sponsors, they constitute the region’s first-ever edible arbor trail. By next fall, Wierzbicki hopes to have the city’s entire portion of the trail lined with tree bounty trailgoers can reach out and eat. [Fort Bend Sun] Photo: Missouri City

7 Comment

  • The critters will appreciate the food too!

  • That sounds yummy!

  • Long ago, there were fig orchards close to downtown Houston. Mature fig trees were found in many yards in and around the City. But the ever present drunken mockingbirds caused many people to pull their fig trees. It is a shame because they are easy to grow and, if you can get to them before the mockinbirds feast on them, very delicious. This trail is a great idea and will hopefully get people interested in growing fruit on their property instead of having the same old boring Houston landscaping staples (sago palm, knockout roses etc.).

  • can’t wait to walk on the trail. THANKS!!! this is fabulous.

  • So inspiring for this CA transplant. Old School thank you for the perspective.

  • I hate this… because it’s not near my house! What a fantastic idea, seriously.

  • @ mel: Try hiking the improvised foot trail along the south side of Buffalo Bayou east of downtown. Watch for the wild raspberries. You can pick buckets-full during the height of the season. I even got a friend to make a fruit wine from them one year.

    Also watch for snakes, and the occasional homeless person that cooks and eats the snakes.