6 Comment

  • 11 and counting.

  • No way I could let that stuff hang on my walls. NO WAY.
    Good luck selling!

  • As a broker this violates my three no go’s on listings. No dead animals, no bleeding Jesus or ultra religious icons, no nude art work. There…home sold!

  • Paul: Maybe I’m an odd ball buyer but that wouldn’t bother me at all. Who cares. They’re not a feature of the house. You take them down after you close (assuming they’re left behind).
    Drives me nuts when I watch those “home buyer” shows and people say “I didn’t like that house. The bedroom walls were painted in an ugly color”. Seriously? Who cares. Worry about the features of a house you can’t fix. Lot size and location most of all. Then the overall layout/size. If those fit your bill, and it’s in the right price, go for it.

  • Welcome back, Cody! You’ve been missed!

  • You are a real fan of venison if you can eat a venison tenderloin with all those judging eyes peering down at you.