This casa appears to be keeping koi until the end. The 1935 property could go either way, as its Wednesday listing mentions both a need for TLC and a lot value price: $295,000. 


Behind all the growth lies a mini-hacienda’s grillwork-gated courtyard entry, not-so-perky awnings, a red tile roof, and a few arched windows. Most of the back yard is devoted to a koi pond, visible through a wall of floor-to-ceiling windows at the back of the home (below). And the single-car garage appears to have a room behind it, possibly the “office/cabana room” referred to in the listing:

HCAD indicates a 1995 remodeling of the 1,604-sq.-ft. home. The kitchen, for example, has been updated:

Over in the living room, conditions are mixed. Plaster peels away to the underlying shiplap above a smoke-smudged fireplace, while above it rise hearty timber trusses.

That’s it for the listing photos. Other rooms include 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a utility room. The home, on a 6,150-sq.-ft. lot, sits midblock on a street off Shepherd Dr. and backs up to former-homes-now-businesses on Richmond Ave.  The Hazard St. bridge over 59 is half-a-block east, while Rockin’ Robin’s Guitar and Music shop anchors the western front, along with a newer retail center.

02/15/13 10:00am
by CALwords

9 Comment

  • Cool place. And could be bought with payments less than rent in the area. I wish lending were easier. I think this place would have a better chance of being saved. This will likely have to be bought unfinanced due to its condition, which means wrecking ball.
    I’d love of there was a fund of sorts, funded by people that want these places saved. Then home buyers could borrow from this fund when bank financing was otherwise not available. That would give the people that want to save these places a way to put their money where their mouth was while not having to directly buy and rehab themselves. A bonus would be an actual rerun on their cash vs the .1% they get in a bank
    dreaming, I know…

  • I contacted the listing agent yesterday hoping I could save this place before a developer beat me to it. Was informed that within 24 hours they had 5 offers, some cash and over asking. Crossing my fingers that it won’t suffer the same fate as the Spanish bungalow on Marshall and that the new owner is someone willing to put in the work. So much potential!

  • Swamplot: The neighborhood bounded by Dunlavy, Highway 59,Shepherd & Richmond is: RICHWOOD PLACE. I know because I used there to live (in my grandparents residence) and was one of the people who reactivated the civic association and updated/reactivated the deed restrictions. Richwood Place used to be : Richwood and Richmond Place which we combined into ONE entity.Re: the above pictured house: it’s a goner.New construction run amok!!!

  • @Cody:

    But, it’s a nice dream. First Oak Forest and now my Montrose neighborhood are destined for the wrecking ball. Is Nottingham Forest next?

  • That house has a vintage L.A. (1940s) look to it, in my opinion.

  • Yep, yet another reason why we’ve abandoned Houston & adopted San Antonio as our new hometown…respect for the historical buildings & homes.

  • Love the vintage LA look. Also love to find decent homes that sell at lot value.

  • A builder I know said the place shouldnt be saved. Bad rot of the frame and termites. Ended up going under contract over $325k and for new construction.

  • I would call that lath, not shiplap.