Solving the Late-Night Parking Problems at Sunset and Morningside

From the Village News:

“Johns” may be sad to see the Southampton brothel close, but the neighborhood is glad to see the nuisance gone.

The location of Asian Massage Villa, 2401 Sunset at Morningside, appeared vacant after a notice of eviction was served by the property owner. . . .

“Their little driveway was always full at night and people were parking wherever they could. HPD and the city attorney’s office really did a fabulous job with this,” said [Southampton Extension Civic Association President Ann] Hightower. . . .

[The establishment’s] little door was around the side and towards the back on Morningside. There was no sign, just a lighted doorway and some stickers indicating donations to emergency responders.

Photo of 2401 Sunset Blvd.: LoopNet

11 Comment

  • Too good for ALL high rises

  • I must have passed that building a million times with no clue whatsoever what it was. And Houston’s SOBs are not exactly noted for being coy…

  • This building is one of those snakebit locations. I can’t count the number of businesses that has tried to make a go of it there and failed. I’m sure business was great, though. Just a really bad location to try to keep it under wraps.

  • It was the go-to place in the Village for a massage with a happy ending.

  • Harold! I must say it’s courageous of you to share this bit of knowledge with us. I admire your candor.

  • I was only kidding RWB. I’m not even a guy.

  • Oh my God! It is more perverse than I imagined, “Harold”!

    Seriously, I wonder if this is part of the city’s current drive to shut down SOBs–the toll since December (by my count) are two topless bars, one hot sheets motel, and now one brothel. (Unfortunately, I can’t see the article to get more details.)

  • Man, it’s getting harder to make ends meet.

  • A little over a year ago, a very determined man came into our business, refused any help and wandered around with a vary puzzled look on his face. He went to his car, saw our side staircase and came back in. He asked if we had a different business upstairs. We were puzzled and said no. He asked if there were beds upstairs and we said yes there were
    three and would he like to see them?

    He then said he was with HPD Vice Squad and had received a report that we had a whore house upstairs.

    I pointed to our 58 year old bookkeeper (and goodfriend) and said “do you really think anyone would pay to sleep with her?!”

    Turns out he had the right address but wrong street. I guess he thought we always asked our clients, would you like a happy ending with that $10,000 dining table?

  • “Turns out he had the right address but wrong street.”

    Lucky the report was that you had a whorehouse and not that you had a drug dealing operation–then they might have burst in wearing full SWAT regalia, guns drawn.

  • Great, now all the massage hookers will move into my neighborhood. It’s not like we aren’t already overrun with “massage parlours.”