12/27/17 12:30pm

The pile of mangled disco parts beyond the fence pictured at top is all that remains of the less-than-2-year-old La Roux nightclub building at 4011 Washington after crews brought down the house last week. In March, a real estate company connected to Zadok Jewelers bought the entire 39,000-sq.-ft. block on Washington between Leverkuhn and Jackson Hill St. La Roux was evicted earlier this year.

The club’s entrance was off Leverkuhn:


La Roux-ined
12/26/17 8:00am

Swamplot’s Daily Demolition Report lists buildings that received City of Houston demolition permits the previous weekday.

Not an excavator was stirring the Friday before Christmas. But the permit office is open today. So come back tomorrow and we’ll give you addresses of the latest doomed structures.

Photo: Daniel Horande (license)