The New Recycled Building at the ReUse Warehouse

The finishing touches are being put on this somewhat totemic new building at the ReUse Warehouse site in Independence Heights. This one’s built on the concrete slab and with the steel beams of the old Public Works machine shop here at 9003 Main St., downcycling that building’s roof for use as its ceiling. It’ll serve as office space for Solid Waste Management staff; it’ll also house a workshop to process donated materials (usually the leftovers from new builds and the salvaged stuff from demos) and feature a recycled-art gallery. Zen T. C. Zheng reports that the building should be ready to go by June.

Photo: Allyn West

4 Comment

  • Looove the Re-use Warehouse.

  • It is a wonderful concept. Put ReUse in a reused building.

  • Why is the City of H spending this money?
    Other organizations (Historic Houston warehouse, Habitat for Humanity’s several
    “Re-Stores” do a much better job. Last time
    I was at City of H. facility they had virtually no inventory and a staff of three
    sitting around doing nothing. What a waste.

  • I think its a great concept and different than the “Re-Stores”. Another important issue is illegal dumping in Houston. The City of Houston Public Works and Engineering, Keep Houston Beautiful and University of Houston Kappa Delta Pi are launching a new campaign to bring awareness to the issue: