The Rise of the George R. Brown Supercolumns

The second of 6 supercolumns being added to the west-facing façade of the George R. Brown Convention Center was lifted into place yesterday, with Pedro Velasquez of WHR Architects on hand to record this timelapse video of the effort. The columns — each 120 ft. tall and 48 in. in diameter — will support a roof-level trellis extending over the front of the building’s 3 center bays facing Discovery Green. The remainder of the columns will be installed over the next few days.

Video: Pedro Velasquez

Convention Center Face Lift

7 Comment

  • Um. Is it just me or did anyone else miss what actually happened in the video? Seemed to have been shot over one day w/o much having been done.

  • Comment 1: Timelapse videos should be short, and should show actual work being accomplished. In the last few frames, one piece of steel went vertical.

    Comment 2: Are the northbound lanes of “Avenida de las Americas” (stupidest street name in Houston, btw) going to be permanently closed?

  • Cody, I was there with Pedro when he shot the video. The action in the video happened in about 20-30 minutes. Up until around the :19 mark, the workers are placing and adjusting the straps that the cranes use to lift the column. All the real action happens in the last 6 seconds of the video.

  • Does anyone have a link to a rendering on what this is supposed to look like when it’s done? I’m having a hard time picturing this.

  • Comment A: I either have missed the North American Summit Conference of Timelapse Ordinance, or I just haven’t come across a published article that governs the rules on timelapse…

    Comment B: Did anyone notice the size of that column? It’s a massive 120ft tall steel column. How often do you see that? Clearly the timelapse shows the prepping process leading up to the installation. Anyone with a bit of judgement should be able to tell that it’s not easy to get something that tall and heavy off the ground quickly. Obviously necessary steps have to be executed first to ensure the safety of everyone on site and nearby… hence the “w/o much having been done” perception.

  • ISee: It wasn’t meant as a slight to the person that took the video or the project itself. If you filmed a day of timelaps of any building being built, you likely wouldn’t see anything ‘major’ happen. I was just wondering if there was something I missed. The second/third comments pointed out what you should look for.
    Take a deep breath man, I wasn’t trying to be insulting…

  • I was fascinated by the video but was distracted by the zippy car traffic in the foreground and the graceful dancing cranes in the background. I give it a 9.5.