HOUSES FOR 800 TO HIT THE PINE CREST GOLF COURSE GREENS What’s the current count on defunct and ailing Houston golf courses being put to new use? Add another to the list: Meritage Homes is now planning to redevelop the former Pine Crest Golf Club’s 121 acres of links into a bundle of houses big enough for 800-or-so residents. The land, due north up Gessner Rd. from Memorial City Mall in Spring Shadows, will take the name Spring Brooke Village; MetroNational has been hawking the property since late 2015, around the same time as Conroe’s Wedgewood golf course hit the market. [Houston Business Journal; previously on Swamplot] Photo of 3080 Gessner Rd.: LoopNet

05/02/17 11:24am
by Christine Gerbode

9 Comment

  • Future ghetto. 800 houses jammed in there, plus roads and amenities.

  • The place could turn out OK. It’s conveniently located to access centers of employment and the property is basically surrounded by existing Spring Shadows neighborhoods that seem to be holding up. With an average household of two-and-a-half people, when they say “800 residents” it shouldn’t translate into 800 one-bedroom houses. :)

  • Commenter7,

    These are $350k and up homes. Most 3-4 stories tall. Hardly ghetto.

  • or Royal Oaks Court, where there is not enough room to park in front of your house or even your driveway. Great place if you like to entertain friends.

  • The golf course is 100% in the flood. What is going to happen to all of that aqua when there is homes there and not grass?

  • 800 houses on 120 acres is >6000 s.f. per house. Hardly Kowloon-style density.

  • 800 homes? That seems like a lot! Hopefully they have more than one detention pond / can repurpose some of the existing ponds. I hope Brenda Stardig’s office stays on this.

    If the Northwest TC one day had light rail to Uptown and Downtown that wouldn’t be a bad commute to those work centers.

  • We are worried about 1) TRAFFIC. Gessner is already full at high travel times and often crowded the rest of the time. And Kempwood backs up halfway from the Beltway already. 2) FLOODING. Spring Branch has had a lot of expanded flooding problems over the last five years, and taking away this massive stretch of permeable land can only be bad. Even though there are regulations requiring provisions for drainage, we all know they end up being inadequate.

  • What, may I ask, is wrong with greenspace?