Metro Red Line, University of Houston Downtown, Downtown, 77002

On the growing list of things getting dressed up for the Super Bowl: this Red Line light-rail train, caught above at the corner of Main and Franklin streets this afternoon wearing a shiny new red-and-stadium-colored suit. Buildings around the Discovery Green and George R. Brown Convention Center complex have also been getting advertising wraps draped in place in the past week or 2, as have a few other buildings around town (including the BBVA Compass building near the Galleria). Across the intersection, a reader also noted the installation of new security cameras at the Islamic Da’wah Center, founded after former Rocket Hakeem Olajuwon bought the 1928 former Houston National Bank building in 1994:


Islamic Da'wah Center of Houston, 201 Travis St, Houston, TX 77002

Islamic Da'wah Center of Houston, 201 Travis St, Houston, TX 77002

That’s the Aris Market Square tower visible in construction blue-and-yellow over the building’s right shoulder, in the shot above facing south; the Chase Tower is to the right of it.

Photos: Christine Wilson

01/25/17 5:30pm
by Christine Gerbode

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