Apple’s First See-Through Store, Unveiled

Live from the corner of Westheimer and Drexel, photographer Karen Dressel sends Swamplot this first view of the Highland Village Apple Store, which opens Friday at 8 am. The black paper covering the panels on the company’s first-ever glass-roofed, double-sided store was just removed this evening, in front of a dozen or so new-iPad camper-outers lined up in back.

Photo: Karen Dressel

12 Comment

  • Doesn’t look impressive . . . maybe it will look better in the daytime . . .

  • What? No lemmings?

  • Another temple in the cult of apple

  • Why build dedicated stores like this? Simply go to a Starbucks near you, view the entire mobile product line while sipping coffee, return home and buy online!

    Then again, what else should a company do with their $100 billion they keep oversees because they refuse to pay American corporate tax on this profit? Thou shalt build glass cathederals to thyself.

  • Anyone waiting hours in line for some consumer good that will be easily available a month later, needs to take a deep breath and examine their priorities. Badly.

  • Actually it’s an impressive structure, especially in that location and with the sites restrictions. Its really all in the details and the ability to mask the back of house services from the public, similar to how a museum works.

  • Drove by it this morning. Looks great! Fortunately no line for Sprinkles cupcakes next door.

  • RickInHouston – why have a dedicated coffee establishments then??? cant you just buy coffe from the store and make it? your argument has no legs to stand on. and if you were going to really follow suit on the ‘buy online’ statement then really, all store should be shut down…

  • I’ll really thumb my nose at the h8ers when I stroll into the Apple store, $4 Starbucks in one hand and $3 cupcake in the other.

  • And in 6 months, they’ll announce the new Apple Store-G! This perfectly functioning store will then be discarded so they can get the new model, and be the coolest of the cool.

  • Glass roof? I’ll have to check this out. I hope that roof is shatter proof!

  • I’m pretty curious how an all-glass building meets the new International Energy Conservation Code requirements. Of course, the two side walls are opaque, so the exterior walls are less than 50% glazed, but I don’t see how a glass roof meets R-values and SHGC mandated by code.