COMMENT OF THE DAY: THAT MONTROSE LOOK “If you really look at the building, it resembles a typical three story townhome, shrunk and widened to one level. Even the arched facade mimics the townhome in the background. And let’s face, the neighborhood behind it is rapidly becoming a majority townhome area if it isn’t already. So maybe it does resemble the neighborhood after all. . . .
If you seriously look at Montrose, it is just a polyglot of everything. A lot of it is butt ugly but the trees and grown out landscaping obscure it. My neighborhood and its adjacents are filled with homes, apartments, offices, etc. spanning 90 years of different styles and much of it is seemingly incompatible if viewed as a single entity. That is Montrose. It ain’t The Woodlands!” [JT, commenting on Raising Cane’s Is Almost Ready To Grab the Corner of Hazard and Westheimer with Its Chicken Fingers] Illustration: Lulu
The townhomes, though architecturally ugly, still look way better than this BECAUSE they are three storeys high and leave little space in front/to the sides. It’s an urban design thing. You shrink bad architecture down to one floor then stick it in a big parking lot far back from the curb and it looks vastly worse. In any case, it’s not really about “matching the architectural character of the neighborhood” so much as it is about making the neighborhood friendlier to pedestrians. A drive-through fast food joint is a fundamentally suburban, auto-centric institution and is a terrible fit for this part of Montrose. I wouldn’t care so much if it was on Richmond or West Gray or Dallas, but on Westheimer, it’s a crying shame.