Mirabeau B. Condos in Montrose Don’t Owe Anything to Anybody

Just what is it that’s allowed construction on the Mirabeau B. condos on the corner of Hyde Park and Waugh to go forward when so many other projects have stalled? How about a little thing called . . . zero debt. After flirting with turning the building rental last year, developer Joey Romano now says he’s back to the original plan of selling all 14 units in the 4-story building — though he’ll also consider leases with purchase options “on a case by case basis.” Construction began in May; Romano expects the building to be complete by next July.


Photos: Harvest Moon Development

2 Comment

  • Best of luck, Joey. I’m still smarting from the bank turning down my loan for the project closest to my heart, the Anson Jones RV Park.

  • Good luck Joey. I’m really looking to do some development as the next stage of my real estate investment carer. Nice to see local examples.