Planned Walmart on Wayside Taps Feeder Again, Puts on Square Footage

“A couple things still remain up in the air,” about the new Walmart going in just south of Idylwood, reports East End blogger Lauren H. from that neighborhood’s front lines: “Like whether they are going to hire security or whether they are going to be able to sell alcohol.” After recent plan changes, the neighborhood’s southern border will end up with a buffer of at least 61 ft. from the big-box store’s parking lot. The store has grown, too: an additional 35,000 sq. ft. from a reduction announced early last year, made easier after the company bought the property directly on the corner of Wayside and the Gulf Fwy. feeder. It’ll end up at approximately 185,000 sq. ft., according to the recent plans she’s posted on her site. The corner purchase makes possible a second entrance from the feeder road, and resulted in a shift of the store’s garden and auto center to its Idylwood side:


Demolition of the former Oshman’s warehouse buildings on the site has already begun.

Images: Walmart, via East End Escapades

8 Comment

  • Any ideas on what goes in the ‘outlot’ at Maxwell and I-45?

    According to HCAD, that corner is also Walmart’s property.

  • The COH once again bows down to t he almighty developer dollar!!!!

  • I like the idea they are putting a right turn lane on the feeder road. This will allow cars to slow down while not blocking a feeder road lane…hopefully.

  • >From Patrick:
    >The COH once again bows down
    >to the almighty developer dollar!!!!
    How? The COH had nothing to do with this. There were no variances needed, and with the possible exception of the immediate neighbors, most area residents love this! As someone only a mile away, I say bring it on!

  • I think what is bothering the immediate neighbors the most is the traffic problem that will result from folks turning left into the FRONT of Walmart on Wayside itself.

    Well, and some folks just don’t like Walmart.
    That’s OK, hopefully it will be better than what was there.

    Yes, yes, yes, there is horrible traffic all over the inner loop. We all know that but please, why didn’t TxDot do a study on Wayside and try to figure out how to at least soften the impact of more cars??

  • Can’t wait until it opens. Glad to see the demo underway!

  • Hmmmm a walmart on wayside. Well I live in this area and this is cool and all but I there is already a fiesta and a sellers bros grocery stores in the area and have been there for years! Why have a walmart? Well right next to the freeway does make sense, but that’s it.

  • there is both good and bad outcomes from the building of this new Walmart. I have lived in this area all my life, and the one thing that I know that thrives in these neighborhoods are small business’s. With this new addition alot of these small junctions may are may not weather the impact. But at the same time it adds jobs to our local economy so I guess its a double edged sword. No matter what the outcome is I enjoy what Walmart has to offer.