A pair of entities connected to Rice University have purchased some extra property near the molted Midtown Sears the school bought along with 3 adjacent acres last year. Included in the deal: the surface parking lot at 4510 Main St. — west of the Wheeler Transit Center — the Shipley Do-Nuts on the corner of Richmond, and the Gulf station next to the Spur 527 overpass. Nothing’s gone down on the land recently except for the gas station; it was demolished in June. But A long list of proposed Houston residential developments put out by mortgage bank Berkadia — now being passed around on HAIF — shows the surface parking now slated for a 243-unit highrise from developer Horizon Real Estate. Last time someone planned to do something with that parcel, ground-floor retail was in the mix, too, with 327 units of affordable housing upstairs. [Berkadia via HAIF; previously on Swamplot] Photo: Lou C.
It’ll be interesting to see what this area (“Innovation Corridor”) looks like in a decade.
-This new development west of Wheeler
-Sears building renovation and whatever is done to surface parking north of it
-development on two big blocks east of Sears (RIP Fiesta)
-59 going below grade with possible park caps over it.
It’d be cool to also see a revamped Wheeler Station to go with the Missouri City rail connection if it’s ever built.
Where are the ‘people who prefer no housing’ moving to after completion of these developments?
@ CB
I’d hope those euphemistically labeled people would move to Amarillo. But, that’s just a hope for me. Land prices may be cheaper out there so those homeless people here who move *just* may be able to buy that slice of the American Dream up there.
Man I hope Rice will clean that area up. Currently it’s full of kush zombies of the apocalypse. I recently attended a large wedding with many out of town guests. The route from church to reception went right past this property. I was so embarrassed for our city. There were 200+ stoned homeless people staggering up to cars.
@ Scot Luther
Look in the access ramp foliage coming onto 59/69 South next time. I live around the corner and have for 6+years. It is an eye sore, safety hazard and indefinite/futile urban experience. My neighbors and I can not even walk from First Montrose Commons to the Wheeler Station and catch a rail into downtown for fear of our lives!
I heard five gunshots just Tuesday night over there from my SECURE patio. This usually happens at least once a month.
YES! Embarrassing for our City and those guest who choose (without knowledge of) to visit this area. Our only hope is that Rice does clean it up… But based on my experience here, I would not hold my breath!
CB- tranquilizer darts, burlap sacks and refrigerated transport to Nancy Pelosi’s district.
Be nice if Rice would work with affordable housing developers so that the likes of their own staff could have a chance to live close to campus.
The preferred Politically Correct term is “Domicilically Challenged”
Many of the “homeless” have been bused in from other cities, with paid, one way tickets. Probably, previously incarcerated druggies. A retired, parole officer from CA confirmed this is being done around the country. Should be illegal.
@J…. whose District are these folks, this place, this area in right now ? No need to ship them to Pelosi… Ted Poe, R., has jurisdiction over this part of town. Maybe contact his office…
@ Roassana. Right, and all those illegals streaming into our country are taking our jobs and bringing in drugs!
Boy, this commentary took a sinister turn quickly. Can we just stick with talk of removing the beggars? Who cares how they relate to immigration policy?
Y’all seem nice.
No one seems to be concerned about the 1000 veterans that live at Midtown Terrace and the Travis St building directly adjacent to Wheeler.What Rice university is doing to the surrounding businesses and residential buildings is bull. There is plenty of peoperty by the college that could be utilized.
A large percentage of those veterans have disabilities and the nearby Fiesta is their primary shopping for food and household items.
The area is laden with people on drugs that live in tents. The police seem only concerned with keeping them off Main St for now. Take a little detour to the power plant by the spur. Tents everywhere with no proper toilets.
Anyone take a look at the amount of people already on the trains and busses in the morning and evenings rush hours? Probably not. Funny how Metro could remove the bus that went to the VA from Wheeler though.