Comment of the Day: None of Your Business

COMMENT OF THE DAY: NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS “. . . What makes you think that a developer is going to want to give you warning or a chance to protest?!? They bought the land, they’re developing it. What stake in this do you or anyone who feels blind sided have? They didn’t give you a chance to speak, complain, picket, whatever because they have a product that REGARDLESS of what they tell you,… you will not like it.” [lunch pail, commenting on Studewood Place: Some New Building Behind the 11th St. Someburger]

15 Comment

  • I’m honestly surprised these elitist busibodies haven’t lobbied City Council to force every single development project in the city to go before a public hearing before it can even be designed.

  • This is just more of the same old zoning argument. Those with the money at risk call the shots. Those who have to live with the results have very little say. I guess if you like the idea of little community input and maximum developer freedom, Houston is the place for you. Myself, I think it is a major reason why Houston is such a crappy place to live. While at the same time it is a major reason why many folks think that Houston is the greatest place on earth.

  • Uh oh Bubba – With insights like that it won’t be long before someone suggests that you move to Dallas or Austin.

  • “What stake in this do you or anyone who feels blind sided have?”

    This statement is really offensive. It basically encapsules the arrogance of developers in Houston. It is the belief that the guy with the bag of money has all the rights and everyone else can move away if they don’t like what is happening.
    This development is going in on the backs of all the dedicated homeowners in the Heights who have invested both time and money in creating one of the best neighborhoods in the City. The Heights is a desirable neighborhood because it lacks this kind of development. But now, every homeowner in the Heights will need to look up and down the street. If there is an apartment complex, machine shop or large empty lot, it may be just a matter of time before you will be looking up at a 8, 10, 12 story building from your backyard.

  • And these are the results of the continuing Yankee invasion and assault of my native city.

  • I know the developer reads this – so again: Please add a drive thru Starbucks.

    I am all for stopping the Walmart – based on the 6.5 million tax evasion scam they are running – but dang I hate being associated with all of you folks that get upset every time someone wants to clean up a vacant lot.

  • LEED certified buildings are sooo irresponsible. This building is going to block the view of all those eating at Someburger from seeing the car wash…

    Old School,

    You don’t have a stake in this. Neither do I. If we don’t want something like this to be built, it is up to us to put something in place (deed restrictions) before something starts getting built. You don’t get to wait till something happens, and then try to change the rules.

  • Caneco,

    I think you have a really valid point. Someone commented elsewhere on here (may have been on the original post about this development) that they hope this happens because it may finally push the area to take deed restrictions more seriously.

    While I may not live in Norhill forever, I love the thought that 20 years from now my kids can come back to their 1st house and see a neighborhood much like it was when built and much like it was when they lived here. It will be this way because we have not only historic status, but hard core deed restrictions. More parts of the Heights should look to quaint little Norhill for answers to their development problems.

  • Norhill has some of the roughest looking streets in the Heights. Ridiculous add ons, vinyl siding and 1950 style metal columns. Very ghetto. If that is your idea of deed restrictions – you can keep that.

  • Bubba:Myself, I think it is a major reason why Houston is such a crappy place to live.
    Really? Houston is a crappy place to live? Come on. I assume you don’t live in Houston. No one could possibly have the gall to say that Houston is a crappy place to live while voluntarily living here.

  • houston is crappy because it’s in texas, not necessarily because it’s all that bad in and of itself.

  • more on topic there was a new article on the atlantic that attempted to link major cities growth and prosperity with it’s ability to provide/utilize greater density here. incorporates lots of other side topics and perhaps a bit grand in scope, but the underlying points are clear and i find it hard to disagree with him.

    there is a very grey line between wanting to preserve the quality of a neighborhood versus a neighborhood actively trying to restrict the growth of a city to the detriment of surrounding environments and economic growth for those lower down the food chain by forcing “others” to build out. we all have to understand the delicate balance between a neighborhood wishing to protect it’s core values with the need for cities to grow so as not jeopardize the future prosperity of millions. i think it’s obvious where i would stand on this issue being that the heights is so near town is such a desirable place to live. just seems a shame some would want to keep others from taking part in their enjoyment.

  • HeightsLife,

    I think with decent (not hardcore) deed restrictions we could accomplish enough. No need for historic districts. Min lot size, min setback, max height would eliminate nearly all the structures that people complain about. Plus the restrictions would be clear cut without the need of any committee to determine what is appropriate.

    I don’t feel this particular lot would need to have deed restrictions, I look forward to it being built. If there is a slumlord rental property in the middle of your block, that sounds like a good reason for deed restrictions.

  • Matt,

    I don’t know what streets of Norhill you’ve been hanging out on. This is a cute, quaint neighborhood with beautiful homes. I live here, so I know.

  • If the community wants to control development of a vacant tract, they should buy the parcel.