Excavators Finally Come for the Oft-Rejected Hogan-Allnoch Building Downtown

Demolition of Hogan Allnoch Dry Goods, 1319 Texas St., Houston, 77002

The back-and-forth is over: following years of unsuccessful auctions, a plan to use the lot as 27 parking spaces, and that dramatic moment when someone offered to turn the building into a nutcracker factory, the downtown Hogan-Allnoch Dry Goods structure is finally resting in pieces. A demo permit was issued for 1319 Texas St. in late October, and the 1923 building came down last week:


Demolition of Hogan Allnoch Dry Goods, 1319 Texas St., Houston, 77002

CityCounty officials tried to auction the historic building at least 3 times since 2007, receiving no bids any of those times. Admittedly, the structure would have been a bit of a fixer-upper: the minimum bid at the early 2010 auction was set at $2.4 million, about half the estimated cost of repairing the severe cracks in the walls and foundations.

According to documentation turned up by Swamplot sleuth Lauren Meyers, the property was finally sold in August to Joni Anderson-Ballis for $3,000,001.

Photos: HAIF user Nate99

No Love on Texas Ave.

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