A building permit filed yesterday for the corner where Burger King’s been lying in pieces on Westheimer near Montrose Blvd. reveals construction is imminent on the Shack Shake set to replace it. Upon completion, it’ll be Houston’s fourth Shake Shack location, after the one in Rice Village, at the Galleria, and in section 157 at Minute Maid Park. [Previously on Swamplot] Photo: Swamplox inbox
YES! A burger and shake fast food restaurant replacing another!
Not even close to being the same thing, Jay.
I am really looking forward to this.
I get it, I really do, people like to complain about anything that’s trendy. But if you don’t think Shake Shack is an upgrade here over freaking Burger King, I don’t know what to tell you. It’s trendy for a reason–the burgers are just plain better than typical fast food fare. It’s not like you have any shortage of other Burger King locations in Houston if for some reason you’re dying for a Whopper.
Just for the record Shack miles better than a Burger King infested with homeless and derelict people hanging out there I can guarantee you Shake Shack will not allow that it’s a major step above
Does Shake Shack have drive-thru service?
Whoppers are good!! Shake Shack hasn’t proven to me better after going to the Galleria because of my sister wanting the Shack. I might try one more time from Montrose.