Vibrant Trades Up Its New Fairview St. Trees for Even Newer Replacements

A Swamplot reader sends a photo (top) of the trees that appear to have grown up outside the former McGowen Cleaners real fast since plant life was first added to the bed (above) earlier this year. That’s because the crew now converting the place into a restaurant called Vibrant tore out the bushier trees just over a week ago and replaced them with a row of taller new cedars.

The swap-out left the bed short on plant life last Wednesday and Thursday:


Then a few days later, the replacements sprung up. They’re pictured below to the right along Fairview St.:

For all the greenery depicted, an earlier rendering of the planned renovations from architecture firm Lake Flato cuts off the portion of the landscape that underwent the change:

But all that lushness suggests gardeners have more planting to do before the job is done.

Photos: Swamplox inbox (new trees); C Money (old trees). Rendering: Lake Flato

Growth Spurt

6 Comment

  • It is amazing how much money has been sunk into this property to re-configure it. I wish them luck!

  • Yeah.Progress. Tear out the old growth trees and put in messy, water sucking cedars. Who is the idiot that came up with that idea?

  • looks gorgeous- welcome to the n’hood!

  • What’s wrong with Houstonians being in sympatico with Austinites? Every outdoor patio should come with cedar fever scourge on the side during the delightful months of December, January, February and March. It will appear the clientele is gasping in delight over what’s on their plates. If you are an ace at surveying the landscape, the City of Houston cares so check it out and plan your dining experience accordingly and all will be fine (Houston Pollen and Mold )
    PSA For the newbies in town Sharpe’s piece “Texas Primer: Cedar Fever” in Texas Monthly online will shed some light on this proprietor’s contribution to the culture.

  • Went by there today. They look more like bald cypress to me.

  • They removed the Bald Cypress and replaced them with Olive trees — which require significantly less water. A smart move, in my opinion.