Comment of the Day: West End Walmart in Detention

COMMENT OF THE DAY: WEST END WALMART IN DETENTION “. . . The only negative to the city to me has to deal with drainage. The developer (under current city policy) can claim the site was previously developed which means no storm water detention needs to be provided for the tract. The mayor and several other local groups believe that all new large scale development should provide detention regardless of the previous conditions of the site. It’s not an easy policy change to implement even in the strictest of regulatory environments.” [kjb434, commenting on In the Mail: Walmart Gets Its Game on for Central Houston]

2 Comment

  • How far back does the city look to determine the percentage of impervious cover of the land in its past uses?

    If you demolish improvements/parking areas and then wait for financing, how long can you wait to apply for permits without the land being considered unimproved and in thus in need of major detention?

  • so begins the shenagins, from the corp spin machine.