Those Local Chemical Plants and Your Healthy Lifestyle

Fractionation TowerFinding it hard to stay healthy in Houston? Do you find yourself wheezing and coughing . . . maybe because you’re uh, so out of shape? Blogger and chemical-plant worker Baytown Bert has come up with a solution: Industrial Trekking.

Industrial Trekking (IndyTrek) is a planned path consisting of climbing/walking obstacles or evolutions inside a refinery, chemical plant, factory, water treatment plant or even a large office building whereby a person can use stairs and ladders to promote fitness. An IndyTrek typically consists of 8-10 evolutions, usually requiring an hour to complete.

What a great way to get out, lose some weight, and get some fresh air, too! But how can anyone find the time?

I do it on the clock, as I can do it while strolling through the Chemical Plant I work in, but it can be done anywhere stairs are and in time-frame sections, throughout the day until all the evolutions are completed. It can be incorporated into your daily schedule (while on the clock or on break).

After the jump: A Baytown Bert photo shows an IndyTrekker in action!


Industrial Trekking at the Chemical Plant: The Ladder

More photos, course descriptions, and words of encouragement on Baytown Bert’s Industrial & Urban Trekking blog!

Photos: Baytown Bert

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