14 Comment

  • Sorry to sound preachy, but this is why we need to teach kids that everything we throw into the storm drains goes straight to the bayou.

  • I was driving on GUlf Freeway the other day and the passenger door of the car next to me opened and they threw trash out. I was shocked. I gave them a really dirty look and I tried to get their license number to report them, but they stayed real far away from me.

  • I noticed the same thing on White Oak Bayou at the North Loop. As I was stuck in traffic, I looked out from the bridge and could see the trash float down the bayou.

  • There was a tv in Braes near Main yesterday. Don’t think that was kids.

  • I grew up on a bayou here. Responding to Bill’s comment about teaching kids…it’s probably more adults throwing trash – like the two adults that dumped tires at the dead end street behind my house (in Montrose) – I gave chase, but no license plates…You’d be amazed what gets dumped in the bayous and lightly traveled streets.

  • Yeah, Sims gets its fair share, too. This was a while back by the Goodyear Plant:


  • It’s definitely not kids that are the problem.

    It’s adults who simply just don’t care. For god sakes, a cup can stay in your car until you get home and just throw it away.

    I have a friend that keeps a small trash back in the trunk of his car and usually throws it out weekly since he’s always on the road for work.

  • We need to ramp up the “Don’t Mess With Texas” campaign again. I think it made a difference. Made people think.

  • On top of that Harris County and the City of Houston have there own. The county one specifically targets storm sewers and bayous.
    The link below is to Harris County’s Campaign.

  • The don’t mess with Texas campaign had local Texas celebrities on tv and radio commercials, and a lot of them. I remember ZZ Top, was Kinky Friedman one of them? They were catchy and infused humor to get the message across. They were pretty effective.

  • I always wondered why the waterways in Texas seem dirtier in general than waterways in other cities in North America. I know the brownness of the water is natural, but the garbage sure isn’t.

    Is it a cultural thing???

  • Looks like clumps of oak pollen to me. And given that oaks are blasting the city right now, it probably is.

  • My silly little video doesn’t do the regular stream of garbage justice, and no, the white cylindrical objects did not come from oak trees, they came from fast food restaurants.

    I love Houston but I’ve never lived anywhere where people were so prone to throwing crap out their car windows or just plunking it down on a sidewalk as they walk along. it’s pretty appalling.

    my hunch is that it’s the car culture – fewer people see the outdoors as a place they experience – it’s just something to get through between the car door and another building. Every time I walk the dog I’m shocked by how much stuff – including broken glass, for goodness sake – is on the ground in the Heights. Who throws broken glass on a sidewalk? Someone who should lose the right to live among other humans, that’s who.

  • I agree with John. I live on a corner in the Heights and am astounded by the amount of trash that appears in my yard weekly — at least a few fast food cups/bags, beer cans, food wrappers– all assumed to be thrown out a window when at the stop sign. Buffalo Bayou by the Omni Hotel/Houstonian is also littered with garbage. If it is noticeable there, I can’t imagine how bad it is in less pricy parts of town.

    I will also blame lax enforcement of trash dumpsters at jobsites/public areas. The amount of trash that collects at Durham/W 11th St is astounding. I feel bad for those who live in the houses right by there.