Will Power Line Bike Trails Come to Harris County?

WILL POWER LINE BIKE TRAILS COME TO HARRIS COUNTY? Approved this week and sent on to Gov. Perry was a new draft of that bill proposing bike trails along CenterPoint utility rights of way. CenterPoint didn’t seem too crazy about the first draft of the bill, saying back in February that it wouldn’t allow the trails unless it was assured it wouldn’t be liable should something shocking happen. This revised draft, the Houston Chronicle’s Mike Morris reports, covers CenterPoint all the way up to “willful or wanton acts or gross negligence.” And Morris writes that as many as 142 miles of right of way in Harris County could be available for trails if Gov. Perry signs off on the bill, many of them providing missing north-south connections between the existing trails that run primarily east-west along the bayous. (Houston Chronicle ($); previously on Swamplot) Photo: StateImpact

18 Comment

  • I do hope they can work out the legal end of things and build hike and bike trails on power line rights of way. I you look at a map of Houston, we have hike and bike trails running east/west on Bayous, but not much running north/south. The power line rights of way run north/south.

  • I live off of Willowbend next to the transmission lines that go north through Bellaire, West U, and cross Westheimer at Highland Village. This would be a great thing because for now I only have access to the Bray’s Bayou trail (which is nice, but as others have pointed out only goes E-W).

  • If Perry can sign this, it really would not change my mind about him, but at least it would be one less mark against him!

  • Great news! The liability language seems fair and should protect all parties involved, so hopefully that issue is put to bed.

    It’s hard to believe, but this project could make Houston one of the most bike-commuter friendly cities in the US. We may not have as understanding of drivers as Portland or Boulder, but that doesn’t matter when cyclists aren’t forced to share the same roads.

  • This idea is too good and opposed by too few for me to trust the governor to go ahead and sign the bill.

  • Somehow, I’ll expect Rick Perry to connect the dots to communism, hippies, and libruls and reject this…

    Where’s commensense to help make the connection? ;)

    I kid I kid…

  • Anything that limits the liability of big business gets signed by Gov. Perry. This is a good deal. Now we just need to get the funds to cut some trails.

  • It’s really positive to see how this issue has been transformed. The legal resistance was a deal breaker, but once they got enough power to unplug the concerns, they charged right ahead. Now we’ll see if there will be enough capacity in public interest to generate the funding for the trails.

  • @Superdave- I am shocked by all of the electrifying and hair raising puns. I really got a charge from them

  • @purdueenginerd: All you have to do is say “UN Agenda 21” and the bill is as good as dead. It’s the new Cruz/Perry mantra.

  • I wonder how Dallas managed to construct a trail in an Oncor/TXU Power line easement that runs though a residential swath in North Dallas.? It opened last year.

  • @purdueenginerd, once in a while you gotta throw the hippies a bone, especially if it doesn’t cost anything ;)

  • I’m excited, finally someone is NOT building a luxury apartment complex with retail on 1st floor on this land!!

  • He’ll find a way to monetize it and make a buck for his wealthy keepers. Asshat.

  • Good ole boy, Tricky Dicky Perry won’t sign the bill. Par for the course. He’s a total douche nozzle.Hopefully next election he’s the loser.

  • Now we just need to get the funds to cut some trails.
    I assume it will largely be paved, right? But if not, psh, just get us the right to use the land and I’m pretty sure the existing groups of Houston cyclists and commuters would love a project such as this and would contribute in kind—we all have tools lying around and trail maintenance comes with the territory.

  • Jason – that’s a great idea! Then if the ad-hoc trails get enough use, we can make the case to Houston, Harris County, and/or the Management Districts to pony up the money to have them paved.
    The only real centralized expense you’d need is to map them so that people know where to go. But compared to paving trails, that’s minimal.

  • Funny how even the mention of Rick Perry’s name gets the cyber children flopping down in the grocery store isles throwing temper tantrums. haha