The View from AIG: This Time We’re Sure Houston’s Never Gonna Flood Again

From his perch high in the (formerly AIG) America Tower on Allen Parkway, Swamplot reader Stephen Cullar-Ledford forwards this latest dramatic scene, which aches for suitably metaphorical captioning.

A few months ago it was fog, this afternoon it’s a rainbow over downtown . . .

Photo: Stephen Cullar-Ledford

4 Comment

  • Great view and shot.

  • I miss the view of downtown from my old office at American General but not nearly as much as I miss the value of my remaining AIG shares, from $1,600 to $44 (adjusted for the reverse split). American General was a conservative and profitable company bought out by greed and risk.

  • Oh Toto, look what the Houston developers have done to our farm!

  • this pic may make the unaquainted believe houston is a pretty ATTRACTIVE city. yes indeed, the further you get away the better it appears.