All That’s Left of the Heights Trailer Park Behind Eight Row Flint

Former trailer park at W. 11th St. and Allston St.

Trash cans, cinder blocks, and other debris strewn around the southeast corner of W. 11th and Allston streets are what remain of the huddle of 9-or-so trailers that has occupied the lot since at least the mid-1990’s. A set of permits on file with the city for Jozzie’s Mobile Home Park expired at the end of December, and the final exodus looks to have occurred in the last few weeks. Have the homes been given a new space to hang out in? And what will take their place, here on the 13,200-sq.-ft lot backed up against Citgo-station-turned-whiskey-bar Eight Row Flint?


Former trailer park at W. 11th St. and Allston St.

Photos: Swamplot inbox

Sticks and Stones on Allston St.

10 Comment

  • Wow.. thought I’d never see the day. I figured they had some kind of low-income tax exemption.. that dirt is sure to be expensive on the open market. Did they tow the trailers off or demo everything?

  • So I’m guessing the City Historic Commission didn’t view those trailers as historic and needing preservation?
    Seriously, I was always surprised to see this place driving down 11th, and wondered how long it would last until the landowner finally cashed in. There used to be another one of these small trailer parks over by Good Dog on Studewood, I think it bit the dust a few years ago.

  • The trailers started getting towed out a week ago.

  • Could be parking for 8 Row Flint. Right now a large part of their parking is the old post Office across Yale which Will begin construction of the “Central Station” shopping Center. When construction starts they Will loose a big chunk of their parking.

  • Are there typically HOA restrictions against mobile homes inside the loop? Like if someone’s sitting on a cleared off lot and not wanting to build, could they just pull in 2 x mobile homes and start renting out or would the neigborhood/city be pounding on the doors?
    Not sure such a thing is feasible with $400k lots but if you had to demo a multifamily and still wanted to hold onto the property sounds like could potentially keep the tax value low while still bringing in rental income.

  • There’s still a few trailers parks left in the uppity Heights. Guess they are on borrowed time too .

  • Families lived in those trailers. I wonder where they went. I hope their children didn’t have to change schools in the middle of the year.

    There is a secluded trailer park on Airline between Cavalcade and Link Road.

  • This would be a great location for some mixed income housing!!

  • Those trailers had been there since at least 1982 when I first moved into the Heights.