Another River Runs Through Baytown

ANOTHER RIVER RUNS THROUGH BAYTOWN Oil spill on the bayou: “The spill spread from an oil storage tank in the Mont Belvieu area, leaking into Smith Gully then on to Cedar Bayou. Mont Belvieu’s Emergency Management Chief Bruce Oliphant said best estimates put the spilled oil at 200 to 300 gallons but said a reason for the leak had not been determined by Tuesday afternoon. ‘We’re not sure why it leaked,’ Oliphant said. ‘We couldn’t see where it was coming from the tank and maybe it was coming from somewhere underground.’” [Baytown Sun]

3 Comment

  • Wouldn’t be surprised if it came from underground.

    Mont Belivieu is one of the few places where the strategic oil reserves are stored (along with natural gas too).

  • Well, coming from Mont Belvieu’s Emergency Management Chief Bruce Oliphant, that’s extremely reassuring.

  • Should be renamed Mont Bellespew