Nexen Plan at Memorial City: Office Building Now, Strip Centers and More Later

A reader sends in a drawing showing MetroNational’s long term plans to develop the “Lifestyle Tract” at Memorial City — on I-10 west of Bunker Hill Rd. That new office building going up at 945 Gaylord is the 14-story tower the company is developing for Nexen Petroleum, which is moving its headquarters here from Plano. The Houston Business Journal reported the company would be leasing 250,000 sq. ft. from MetroNational — and that the building would be a mirror image of the Cemex tower to the west.


The plan also shows strip centers to the east, facing Bunker Hill Rd., and marked “future retail.” And there’s plenty more room for feeder-road development later. Also shown on the plan: skybridges connecting the building to its parking lot, and the parking lot to the Fountains at Memorial City apartments.

One Comment

  • The good news is that the Energy corridor will now stretch as far East as Bunker Hill. More jobs and more taxes for Houston to pay for the new stormwater tax.
    The bad news is that TIRZ 17 doesn’t seem to have any plans to contain the additional stormwater runoff from this newly paved area, which used to be grass.