12/14/07 3:52pm

Proletariat Nightclub, 903 Richmond, Houston

In an extensive interview with Houston Press music blog Houstoned Rocks, Proletariat owner Denise Ramos explains she isn’t shutting down her Richmond Ave. bar and music venue in February because she’s afraid upcoming University Line construction on the street will hurt her business. She’s shutting the club down because Metro has told her exactly where the Montrose light-rail station is going to go:

I started going to all these meetings Metro had put together, and in one of the meetings they had the proposed design for the rail, and I noticed that our building was nowhere in the design . . .

Right in front of where our building is, that’s where they [plan to] have the station . . .

We know for sure they plan to demolish our building. That’s a given; we know that. But I just don’t know when that’s going to be.

Guess that means Metro won’t be sliding that station to the west of Montrose . . .

11/19/07 11:52am

Aerial View of Wolff Companies Projects Along I-10

Sure, Metro talks a lot about transportation in this city’s central districts. But a Houston Business Journal profile shows us Harris County Metropolitan Transit Authority Chairman David Wolff is also enthusiastic about Houston’s westward spread:

Many developers are building various types of commercial properties west of Houston and beyond.

The city of Katy, with an estimated population of 205,000, sits square in the path of Houston’s westward growth pattern.

“The whole city is going that way,” Wolff says. “I think Katy is going to be the next Sugar Land.”

He recalls the creation of Park 10, and how much the area has grown over the last three decades.

Says Wolff: “It was just rice fields. That was really the edge of the world then.”

After the jump, the METRO Board Chairman’s exciting projects way out west, plus how to get folks in the “next Sugar Land” to build freeway on- and off-ramps for your developments!


10/19/07 12:02am

Christof Spieler’s Map of Houston Metro Rail Alignments for 2012

It’s all over ’cept the land speculating—and, of course, the lawsuits. The Metro Board has announced the alignments for the new light-rail University Line:

Plus some other news:

Houston 2012 Light Rail Map: Christof Spieler

04/19/07 7:40am

Bike Rack on Bus in San Jose

We all know riding bikes on trafficked Houston thoroughfares is dangerous. Finally, though, someone’s doing something about it.

No, not putting in bike lanes—that would be absurd. A notice on the Metro website reads:

METRO will soon equip its local fleet with bike racks to help you navigate congested streets on your way to bike trails, work, school or other destinations.

Join us as we kick off this new chapter in METRO transit history. [emphasis added]

Let’s hope this attempt to take bikes off the streets is effective.

Photo: Flickr user richardmasoner