Will Central Square Plaza Look Like . . . This?

Squatters and street artists might have to find another bygone building to pick on — but that’s only assuming there’s something really behind the renderings of renovations to Midtown’s Central Square Plaza that Claremont Property has been floating around. Could that demure stone mosaic on the wall facing Webster finally get its comeuppance after years of playing hard to get?


Well, nothing’s certain yet. But Claremont did go to the trouble of producing this second rendering, plants and all, of a renovated entrance from the building’s south side. Earlier this month a Swamplot reader noticed signs trying to sell the complex, comprising 12- and 14-story office buildings and a parking garage, which has been entangled in back-and-forth legal skirmishes between the City of Houston and owner Alfred J. Antonini for the last few years.

Images: Swamplot inbox (renderings); LoopNet (building)

11 Comment

  • Sounds like a step in the right direction.
    Which can we expect, rehab or wrecking ball?

  • for sales signs have been up for years, they just get repainted every year or so. So I guess my response here is “yeah right”. I also love how the parking lot that is across the street which is devoid of all plant material is pictured as a lush green-scape.

  • The leasing brochure says “starting occupancy 4th Quarter 2013”.

  • That leasing brochure timeline makes as much sense as the magically landscaped parking lot.

  • I say nothing happens here until the Greyhound station disappears. The City should just condemn the land Greyhound sits on and make a park. Force Greyhound’s hand. Make them move. Or play nice and buy them a new location somewhere else. Where is the Midtown TIRZ in all of this? Do they have any money left? Or has Garnett Coleman sucked it all dry?

  • Maybe I am nuts but I love this building. I see it as apartments or a cool mod hotel; which would do well in downtown/midtown. If I was sitting on a cool zillion I’d definitely do it.

  • I agree, Charlie. While it is currently an eyesore, it could be one of the coolest buildings in the city. Imagine the big sign on top refurbed, and open a bar by the bank vault on the bottom floor http://www.flickr.com/photos/secretsquirrel5468/5061698992/

  • #Bernard: good ole boy Garnett is using the TIRZ money to buy up properties and take them off the HCAD tax rolls. He is as shady as they come.And crook posing as a “lawmaker”! This building,like so many other abandoned/vacant rat traps NEED to be DEMOLISHED and new construction build in their place. This and many other period buildings are HAZARDOUS nightmares: ASBESTOS wrapped LEAD pipes, ASBESTOS insulation, LEAD paint-the list goes on. If I bought it:tear it down ASAP! After the back taxes/lien(s) are settled.

  • I was actually live in the 2016 Main Condos. I was driving back from the Randall’s and I passed about 4-5 men dressed in suits walking the perimeter of the building. There was a truck pulled up in the driveway on the Webster side of the building. So that peaked my interest a bit. Not sure if anything would come of it. But I would love if they replaced it with that rendering. And although the Greyhound folks don’t inconvenience me, it will be quite interesting to see what becomes of the Greyhound once the Superblock is built. I for one, would like Greyhound to go quietly into the night. lol.

  • Craig, I too live in 2016 Main. I saw the truck you’re talking about on Webster the other day too. Looks like a security watch of some sorts.

  • The sign on the top of the building could be restored and reused somehow. Its a classic. But it’ll likely end up in pieces in a dumpster.