The Slipcover Is Coming Off: Strip Show Begins on Main St. Corner Downtown

The streetclothes are already being shed from the recently vacated office building at the corner of Main St. and Rusk downtown where a Fort Worth development and hospitality company is planning its next hotel project. Pearl Real Estate announced plans to gut and renovate the 22-story building at 806 Main St. early last year. And now, a reader reports, permits are posted in the window and the paneling and windows in a single column have been removed.

Underneath the white-marble and brown-glass slipcover — installed about 30 years ago — is a stone, terra cotta, and brick building built about 100 years ago and expanded 10 stories skyward in the 1920s. The building is directly across the street from the brand-new BG Group Place.

Photos: Swamplot inbox

3 Comment

  • Ah, I thought we had something new. That piece was stripped quite some time ago, maybe 4-6 weeks?

  • it was at least 5 months ago when i started my job downtown.

  • Thadvertisingis appears to be the old Lumberman’s bank bui9lding buji9lt by S. F. Carter. Later and for many years it was Second National Bank. On the corner was a large four way clock advertisng a jewelry store. It was commonplace to ask someone to “meet me under the clock”.