12/29/17 11:00am

What’s happened to this storied Walnut Bend Mod by Robert Pine from the 1960 Houston Chronicle Parade of Homes since it last appeared on Swamplot in 2010? Well, it finally soldfor $120K — the following year. (In 2014, it traded hands again, for approximately $287K, without making an appearance on MLS.) Also, new windows were cut into the living room and master bathroom, adding openings to the once-blank stone-faced walls on the front facade. There’s also this brand new screened-in patio, inserted between the carport and the main house in back, like so:


Eyes on the Street
12/28/17 2:00pm

THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN–THEMED BREWERY COMING TO GARDEN OAKS’ BEER ROW Construction began earlier this month, reports Jen Para, on a 1,600-sq.-ft. brewhouse for Walking Stick Brewing Co. in Garden Oaks. Also on tap for the 16,948-sq.-ft. site at 957 Wakefield Dr., pictured above from the back, which faces Judiway: a 3,600-sq.-ft. bar and patio featuring the brewery’s 7 beers, each of which is named after a peak in the Rocky Mountains. Walking Stick will sit directly across the street from the volleyball courts at Wakefield Crowbar and its neighboring Great Heights Brewing Co. microbrewery. Petrol Station is at the end of the block, at Golf Dr. [Houston Business Journal] Photo: Walking Stick Brewery

12/26/17 12:30pm

A FLOOD OF CHRISTMAS DINERS AT VIETOPIA An impromptu performance surrounding a centerpiece aquarium greeted Christmas dinner diners at Vietopia yesterday. Loud screams accompanied the appearance of twin streams springing from a leak in the glass on the dining side of freestanding structure at the Vietnamese restaurant in the Plaza in the Park (better known as the Kroger shopping center just south of the Southwest Fwy. on Buffalo Spdwy.) As a steady fountain of fishwater aimed itself at a nearby table or 2, the restaurant’s staff sprung into action: Large plastic garbage cans were deployed quickly to catch the water, and waiters used nets to collect the fish and transport them to new homes. [Wendy G Young Lightwalker, via abc13] Video: Wendy G Young LightWalker

12/22/17 2:30pm

LIT FOR CHRISTMAS Our warmest and brightest holiday greetings to you — for Christmas and for any other important seasonal remembrances you celebrate. Swamplot is checking out early today, full of good cheer. And we’ll be taking a break from publishing for the long weekend, but our extensive archives of Houston real estate lore will of course will be available to resolve (or reignite) any heated disputes that might arise at family gatherings. Do please check back in with us again on Tuesday for the latest in late-2017 coverage of Houston’s vast built environs. Photo of O’Quinn Medical Towers: Russell Hancock via Swamplot Flickr Pool

12/20/17 4:00pm

COMMENT OF THE DAY: LET THE COLLEGE STATION LAND RUSH BEGIN! “The station in Roans Prairie is a developer’s dream: high-speed rail, new I-14 interstate, and miles and miles of undeveloped land. The master-planned communities will start popping up in no time. Work in the city (Houston or Dallas) and live out in the country on your acreage homestead. Just wait, the Bryan-College Station-Huntsville MSA will see the fastest population growth in the entire nation for years and years to come.” [Thomas, commenting on Proposed High-Speed Rail Line’s Bryan—College Station Station Would Be 27 Miles East of Texas A&M] Map of proposed Brazos Valley Station: Federal Railroad Administration

12/18/17 9:00am

Our thanks today go to TechSpace Houston, the new modern flexible workspace in Westchase — Swamplot’s Sponsor of the Day.

TechSpace Houston is celebrating Christmas early: Swamplot readers are personally invited to come try the space for FREE all this week!

From today through Friday, December 22, 2017, from 8 am to 5 pm, come try the space as a VIP guest — an early Christmas gift from TechSpace Houston.

To join, just fill out this form so you can be added to TechSpace Houston’s VIP list — and receive some important information about the facility.

Can’t make it this week? Claim your FREE day pass with a tour — on the day of your choice!

Separately, TechSpace Houston is also offering Swamplot readers 2 holiday-special discounts for the end of the year. Here are those deals:

  • Sign a FlexSpace membership agreement for 6 months and receive 5 free conference room hours.
  • Sign an agreement for a minimum of 6 months for a private office and receive 20 percent off plus 5 additional free conference room hours.

(To be eligible, agreements must be signed by close of business on Friday, December 29, 2017.) Please contact TechSpace Houston to take advantage of these specials!

Spread more holiday cheer. Become a Swamplot Sponsor of the Day!

Sponsor of the Day
12/15/17 12:00pm

Hooray for Houston’s own Central Bank — Swamplot’s Sponsor of the Day! We sure appreciate the continuing support.

Central Bank has 4 (central) Houston branches available to meet your business or personal needs: in Midtown, the Heights, West Houston, and Post Oak Place.

Central Bank believes that change is essential to its success; the company actively pursues the latest in service, technology, and products. Central Bank aims to know its customers personally and to be their primary business and personal financial resource. The bank’s staff values relationships and strives to be available when you need them.

To learn more about how Central Bank can meet your banking needs, please call any of the following Senior Vice Presidents: Kenny Beard, at 832.485.2376; Bonnie Purvis, at 832.485.2354; Carlos Alvarez, at 832.485.2372; or Ryan Tillman, at 832.485.2307. You can also find out more on the bank’s website.

Support your locals. Become a Swamplot Sponsor of the Day. 

Sponsor of the Day
12/13/17 4:15pm

COMMENT OF THE DAY: BROADACRES’ LONG HISTORY OF PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS “In a way, this is just the latest battle in a hundred year old fight. On a Preservation Houston tour of Broadacres (where we trespassed all over the esplanades), it was pointed out that the neighborhood was originally designed as a closed loop with the only access to the city via Parkway to the east. Houston, however, viewed the streets as public and forced the developers to cede ROW through the lots on the western side of the loop to connect North and South Blvds to their counterparts in the west. This is why North and South Blvds pinch weirdly right around West Blvd. — when you’re ceding expensive land, you only give the minimum required. . . .” [Cactus, commenting on Who Owns the Esplanades on North and South Boulevards?] Photo of Broadacres assessor’s map: HCAD

12/13/17 12:00pm

Thank you to TechSpace Houston, the new modern flexible workspace in Westchase — today’s Swamplot Sponsor of the Day.

TechSpace Houston is celebrating Christmas early: Swamplot readers are personally invited to come try the space for FREE for 5 days!

From Monday, December 18 through Friday, December 22, 2017, from 8 am to 5 pm, come try the space as a VIP guest — an early Christmas gift from TechSpace Houston.

To join, just fill out this form so you can be added to TechSpace Houston’s VIP list — and receive some important information about the facility.

Can’t make it this week? Claim your FREE day pass with a tour — on the day of your choice!

Separately, TechSpace Houston is also offering Swamplot readers 2 holiday-special discounts for the end of the year. Here are those deals:

  • Sign a FlexSpace membership agreement for 6 months and receive 5 free conference room hours.
  • Sign an agreement for a minimum of 6 months for a private office and receive 20 percent off plus 5 additional free conference room hours.

(To be eligible, agreements must be signed by close of business on Friday, December 29, 2017.) Please contact TechSpace Houston to take advantage of these specials!

Need to get the word out about your company’s holiday specials? Become a Swamplot Sponsor of the Day!

Sponsor of the Day