04/11/11 8:19pm

COMMENT OF THE DAY: THE REAL REASON THEY DON’T BUILD SO MANY STEEL OR CONCRETE HOMES IN HOUSTON “Additionally, you’re very limited when building out of steel or concrete, engineering requirements limit the shape and interest in the house. The walls of the second floor HAVE to sit on another wall underneath and forget about turrets and towers (can be done but very difficult). Like it or not, in today’s market turrets and towers add interest to the elevation of the house and they sell!” [commonsense, commenting on Tin House Panic Grips West U]

03/31/11 12:35pm

The Woodlands Convention and Visitors Bureau has launched a new website that features 28 unique 360-degree virtual tours of various locations throughout the future township, produced by a local company. Showing up most often: The Woodlands Mall, with 5 separate panorama views, followed by the Waterway Marriott with 4 panoramas and Waterway Square and the Avia Hotel on Market Street with 3 each. Organization president Nick Wolba tells the Chronicle, “So many people in the Houston market think of The Woodlands as a place to live. We want them to know this is a great place to visit . . . It’s a very special place as a destination.”

Panorama: Epic Software

03/01/11 5:05pm

COMMENT OF THE DAY: LOOK WHO’S READING SWAMPLOT NOW! “But for Swamplot’s prestigious Neighborhood of the Year award, Idylwood would have maintained its quiet anonymity and escaped the notice of these blood thirsty parasites.” [Mel, commenting on Shocking Documentary Photos from the Idylwood Bedbug Invasion]