12/23/15 2:45pm

4504 Caroline, Museum District, Houston, 77004
Do you have an untapped entrepreneurial side and flautas worth flaunting? This 3-bedroom, 2-bath 1930’s home comes equipped with its own taco stand, ready to serve your culinary ambitions. Located on 7,500 sq.ft. directly behind the Mexican Consulate, the 2,882 sq.-ft. building and attachment are yours for $420,000. (In related news, Happy Jalapeno is now closed.)


Very Hot on the Market
12/23/15 10:00am

Hole in the side of 1010 Lamar, Downtown, Houston, 77002

Something is missing: Reader Jamie Guidry snapped this shot of overcast Downtown this morning, noting that “a big chunk of 1010 Lamar” appears to be absent. The breached facade is shown here from the south, from the circular GreenStreet pedestrian bridge over Fannin. (A permit was issued on December 9th for the remodel of an upper-story suite of the office building, but a representative from permittee R.L. Hart Construction confirms that it has nothing to do with the hole.)

1010 Lamar was one of the properties snapped up in 2007 by Texas office space tycoon Zaya Younan, along with the former Sakowitz department store building (currently a parking garage) across the street at 1111 Main.


DIY Window Office
12/18/15 10:45am

COMMENT OF THE DAY: THE LATEST TECHNOLOGY FOR EXCEEDINGLY WELL-CARPETED MEGAMANSIONS Riding Vacuum Cleaner“Do they make riding vacuums? Like riding lawn mowers but with a vacuum? Feels like you’d need one of those just to keep up with a place like that. Gotta be at least an acre of carpet in that place.” [Toby, commenting on Katy Home Listing Photo of the Day: The Unstaged Stage] Illustration: Lulu